About Us

Kip and Twiggy are the chief taste-testers here at the website. That is their only significant contribution (other than moral support). Their hobbies are sleeping, pooping, rolling in poop and barking at squirrels.

Our Mission

As dog owners around the world are waking up the somewhat unsavoury ingredients traditionally found in dog treats, we thought it would be useful to start publishing articles about natural alternatives.

As we scoured the internet, we struggled to find reliable, in-depth knowledge about the nutrition, safety, benefits and risks of feeding dogs natural treats. And so we took matters into our own hands and started working with vets to answer the questions we had, as well as those we saw popping up again and again in pet forums.

We hope you find the result helpful.

Who Are We?

This website is maintained by Conrad and Ewan, both from Edinburgh. Ewan is an internet geek and Conrad runs his own dog training business, Tail Academy.

We hire professional vets to research and write our content. Read more about our authors here >>

What Are Your Publishing Guidelines?

We aim to provide as much information as possible in our articles. However, some of the info is hard to find (if it even exists) so we sometimes have to make assumptions. When we do, we will always try to explain what assumptions we made. For example, it’s virtually impossible to give a definitive answer to the nutrition of natural dog treats but it’s useful info to publish. You can read about how we divine natural dog treat nutrition here>>

We also occasionally recommend brands, companies or products. These are editorial decisions and not recommendations from our vet writers. You can read more about how and why we make recommendations here >>